Monday, September 29, 2014

September 29, Monday - Jaca

Had a restless night, and all tired today. Had breakfast out and wandered around town for a few hours - very pleasant. Bought a little gold charm to remind me of Jaca and our time here.

Went to the Catedral de Jaca to light a candle or two in remembrance for those no longer with us... I think I went a little overboard.

Had a lovely long lunch with Joyce. Bob and Bert had a light lunch at home. Might be time for a nap soon, they serve 0.25 litres of wine with lunch - included in the price so very hard to refuse.

Inside Catedral de Jaca, the artwork is beautiful and very very old. I think the catedral dates back to 15th century.

The fort in town is 11th century and they have filled in the moat and deer roam in there, it doesn't seem to be open very often for visitors but it was nice sitting watching the deer.