Walked to the check in and got our boarding passes, uneventful.
Through customs and told we even had to remove our boots, then I got hit for the 'explosive' testing, and she wouldn't wait for me to gather my stuff and put my boots back on - grrrr... I was all clear - nothing on me!!!
Found a nice little lightweight tripod at the airport, it was the one we were looking at online, very handy that.
Then waiting, waiting for boarding and were 30 minutes late. The plane was almost empty so we both had window seats and loads of space. The flight was only 2:45 hours, nice and quick.
Coming over the South Island Alps. |
Come in right across the South Island Alps, and there was a lot of snow, it looks fantastic from the air. Landed in Christchurch at 2:30pm and it was 6C, yes really. It did reach about 9c on our way up the coast. Got the car, nice and easy, got an upgrade on that, which was lovely. Found our way out onto the highway and needed a coffee shop, but everything seemed shut. We finally found one in Greta Valley and had a lovely coffee each and home made muffin.
Starving hungry so off up to the Green Dolphin restaurant for dinner. 7:30pm is late for our supper. Enough said on the food front, it was lovely.
Back to hotel, heated bathroom floor and soft bed.. Big day planned for tomorrow.
Good Night from New Zealand.